Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Boats on the Belize River

Well I've got a story to share.

"By the way, I was by myself. Everyone was talking and I was sitting by the water. Anyways he was like:

 “You see this here, was all made by the hands of our people. These boats were built on our land, to send to others, everything from scratch. We used mahogany and rose wood mostly; but now we can’t use those. So we have to use fiber glass, but I prefer the wood, it feels better with it’s done. This, this is art. This is beauty.”

photo by Sean Escobar

A friend of mine was telling me a story that he knew I would enjoy. Considering it’s about one of my favorite scenes in Belize City, I did enjoy it, a lot. 

I live in a very beautiful country, that comes with amazing stories. 

A truly inspiring place. 

Hope you all enjoy this short update. It's summer so let's see how much I'll post this year! Bare with me folks, I'll try my best.


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